FE Exam Registration — In this post, I am going to explain how to register for the FE exam and give you an update on how COVID is affecting the FE Exam.
Firstly let me quickly remind you that the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is designed for recent engineering graduates and students who are close to finishing an undergraduate engineering degree from an EAC or ABET-accredited program. It is a computer-based exam administered year-round at NCEES-approved Pearson VUE test centers.
The FE exam includes 110-questions and the exam appointment time is six hours long with about five hours and twenty minutes of that time being actual exam time.
So, how does FE Exam registration work?
It’s simple. FE Exam registration happens through the NCEES website, specifically account.ncees.org/login. Visit that page and scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Create an Account. Then simply complete the form and submit it and you will have a MyNCEES Account which is a free, integrated system that allows you to maintain all of your licensure-related information in one place. How simple is that? It all happens through account.ncees.org/login.
Why don’t you stop reading and do it right now?
The COVID Effect on the FE Exam
Alright, now that you’ve got your MyNCEES account set up, let me talk about how COVID has impacted the FE exam.
Firstly you should know that the FE exam is administered year-round via computer-based testing at Pearson VUE test centers. In regard to those testing centers, just last week on November 24th, NCEES posted an update on its website here with regard to the testing centers stating that:
Many state and local governments are implementing operational and capacity restrictions in response to the current COVID-19 surge throughout the country. In many cases, these restrictions limit testing to essential services only. All NCEES exams are designated as essential and will continue to be administered as allowed in accordance with state and local requirements. Appointment cancellations may be necessary to comply with reduced capacity requirements. Impacted examinees will receive notification and rescheduling information via email from Pearson VUE. Visit the Pearson VUE coronavirus update page for the most current information on test center operations. I’ve posted a link to this Pearson VUE page in the video description here.
There you have it, now you can set up your MyNCEES account and complete your FE Exam registration, if you haven’t already, and you have a COVID update on the FE Exam. I hope this video was helpful to you.
We publish videos weekly on our Pass the FE Exam YouTube Channel. Be sure to visit our page here and click the subscribe button as you’ll get expert tips and tricks each week – to ensure your best success – that you can’t get anywhere else. Believe me, you won’t want to miss a single video.
Lastly, I encourage you to ask questions in the comments of the videos or here on this page and I’ll read and respond to them in future videos… so if there’s a specific topic you want me to cover or answer, we have you covered.
I’ll see you next week…
Anthony Fasano, P.E.
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success
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