In this article, (and video above), I explain all the steps you need to take right after you pass your NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering exam to make the most of your achievement.
Here Is What You Will Need to do After Passing the FE Exam:
- You will need to send your transcript to the state board where you want certification, and then wait to receive your EIT certificate in the mail. Here are some things we recommend you do once you receive your EIT certificate.
- Place these credentials after your name wherever you can. For example, add EIT after your name on your LinkedIn profile. This is important because it shows potential employers that you are on track to receive your engineering license.
- While it may be too early to start studying for the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam, it’s not too early to create an experience log and keep it up to date between now and when you take the PE exam, logging all of your experience. This is critically important, because when you go to apply for the PE exam, they will ask for a list of all of your experience which will include the projects and tasks that you worked on and which professional engineers you worked under. These professional engineers will need to sign the application for you. Too many engineers wait to try to prepare this list when they are applying for the exam and they forget all of the details of what projects they worked on.
- Last but now least, you must gain engineering work experience as soon as possible. Get out there in the field and start working as soon as you can to build up your experience which will help you to be able to sit for the PE exam sooner in most states.