What is the real value of becoming a licensed professional engineer(or PE) license in one’s career? In this post, I will outline a recent interview I conducted with licensed professional engineer Justin Edenbaum, P.E. Justin shares the benefits of having a PE License over his career, some of which you may not have thought of.
Before diving in, let me remind you that most successful engineers will tell you that getting their PE license was the biggest career growth driver they’ve experienced, whether it was due to a promotion, salary increase or just more exciting projects to work on – you want to get your PE license. However, preparing for the PE exam can be a real challenge, but through the above video and other videos on our YouTube Channel, you will learn everything you need to know about the licensing process including PE exam preparation.
Here are the Questions I ask Justin in this interview:
- I know one of the benefits for you getting your PE License was that you were able to secure a new client that you might not have been able to get without the license, can you share that story?
- Can having a PE in one state help to get you licensed easier in other states?
- Does having a PE license help with starting a firm?
- Can having a PE License provide you with greater authority as an engineer in the workplace?
- Will having a PE license mean that you get paid more, or get a promotion easier?
Here Are the Benefits To Having a Professional Engineering License (PE License):
1. Instant Credibility
A PE License can provide you with flexibility in your career and open up doors and opportunities for work in different states.
2. Flexibility
Having a PE License in one state makes it easier to get licensed in another state. You will still have to register in other states and provide you experience, however you can obtain an NCEES record which will make the process much easier.
3. Opportunity
A PE License can help you to start your own business. In fact, in certain states, you cannot start an engineering firm unless you are a professional engineer. It is vitally important that if you’re going to start your own firm that offers engineering services that at least one employee has a PE License. (Different states have different requirements.)
4. Authority and Confidence
Becoming a licensed professional engineer (PE) gives you instant credibility, it can also provide confidence which many engineering professionals lack.
5. Monetary Benefits
Once you get your PE License you are almost 100% guaranteed to get a salary increase. If you do not get an increase with your current employer, someone else is going to offer you more money. It will also increase the progression you make in your company and how quickly you climb the corporate ladder. Without authority and accreditation, you cannot become a partner in certain firms and rise amongst the rank.
So while studying for the PE exam takes time, effort, and a lot of energy, it may very well be worth it many times over. I hope you enjoyed this week’s Pass the PE Exam post, next week I am going to cover what experience is required to be able to sit for the PE Exam.
We publish videos weekly on our Pass the PE Exam YouTube Channel. Be sure to visit our page here and click the subscribe button as you’ll get expert tips and tricks each week – to ensure your best success – that you can’t get anywhere else. Believe me, you won’t want to miss a single video.
Lastly, I encourage you to ask questions in the comments of the videos or here on this page and I’ll read and respond to them in future videos. So if there’s a specific topic you want me to cover or answer, we have you covered.
I’ll see you next week
Anthony Fasano, P.E.
Engineering Management Institute
Author of Engineer Your Own Success
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